Learn Miriwoong Resources
Miriwoong Learning Resources
Our “Let’s Learn Miriwoong” resources help make learning Miriwoong possible for children and adults anywhere; at home, in the car or even out in the most remote parts of Miriwoong country. Hearing and seeing our language used in new and innovative ways is a great source of pride for our community. New technologies help to make it easier for everybody to start talking Miriwoong!
MDWg staff work tirelessly to bring the stories, lessons, and wisdom of our ancient language and culture into the modern world. We produce radio shows, write bilingual audio books, record videos and we’ve even created a Learn Miriwoong app – available in App Store and Google Play.

We’re proud of the bilingual (Miriwoong-English) resources that we produce, and believe that they are an important step in helping individuals, families, & the community as a whole learn Miriwoong.
Take a look below at the books and other resources we’ve developed to date:

by Dwayne Newry
A book all about ‘cooking meat in the earth oven’

Woorlab Yarrenkoo Miriwoong: Miriwoong Animals*
by Glennis Galbat-Newry
‘Let’s all learn Miriwoong: Miriwoong Animals’ – A great book for beginners

Woorlab Barrenkoonan Miriwoong!*
by Glennis Galbat-Newry
‘Let’s all learn Miriwoong: Miriwoong Animals 2’ – A new collection of Miriwoong animals to learn

Jawaleng Gawooleny: jooroobtha bare berrandawoon-meleng*
by Dwayne Newry
‘Miriwoong Body Parts’ Learn about the parts of the body in Miriwoong

by Sylvia Simon
Learn about Miriwoong ‘Birds’

Ninggoowoong boorriyang Merndang*
by Dwayne Newry
‘Family Book’ – Learn how to talk about family in Miriwoong

Woorrjilwarim: Molly Springs*
by Pamela Simon &
Paulina Galbat
A book about the family of Molly Springs community

Miriwoong Woorlang Yawoorroonga-woorr (2017 edn)
by MDWg
‘A Miriwoong Lexicon For All’ – A Miriwoong to English and English to Miriwoong dictionary
Note: does not include audio support

Miriwoong Woorlang Yawoorroonga-woorr (2019 edn)
by MDWg
‘A Miriwoong Lexicon For All’ – An updated Miriwoong to English and English to Miriwoong dictionary
Note: does not include audio support

Doonggerrnging Manggatheng
by Angela Dingle
‘The Hungry Spider’ – A very cute children’s story about a little spider with a BIG appetite
An eBook can be found on our Learn Miriwoong app!

Ngoondebtha Loorrgoo-loorrgoob Yarrenkoo-woorri Woorlanga Miriwoong*
by Julie Bilminga
‘Miriwoong Alphabet book’ – An A-Z of Miriwoong words for kids

Merrgernem Ngandoongoorroom*
by Rozanne Bilminga
‘In Three Skies’ – A children’s book about the weather and seasons of Kununurra

Goorrandalng thoon Jalin*
by Julie Bilminga
‘The Brolga and The Kangaroo’ – A dreaming story about a kangaroo, a brolga and the unique rock formations found in Keep National Park

Ngayangeng Dawang Woore-Woorem
by Ingrid Ningarmara & Nancy Dilyai
‘My Community, Flying-Fox’ is a reflection on life in Flying-Fox community on Ngarranggarni country and passing on the traditions of looking after that country

Yangge Yindajgoo!*
by MDWg
‘Ask Me!’ – A great book for kids and their families to help them practice asking questions and answering them in Miriwoong

Gooloo-gooloob Yarroondayan*
by MDWg
‘We are all Happy!’ is a book all about the things that makes us mob happy

Jangeb Yarrenkoo!*
by Ingrid Ningarmara, Glennis Galbat-Newry & the MDWg staff
‘Let’s Eat!’ A Miriwoong cooking book to show you how to cook tucker the Miriwoong way

Audio Reader Pen
by Ingrid Ningarmara & Nancy Dilyai
Batteries not included
Asterisked (*) books are compatible with the Audio reader

Miriwoong Seasonal Calendar Book
by MDWg
An informational book about the three seasons experienced in Miriwoong country with descriptions of the wildlife, plants, and weather belonging to each season

Seasonal Calendar Posters
by MDWg
3 Seasons poster
$20.00 each
$70.00 for all 5 posters
PLEASE NOTE posters cannot be posted.

Seasonal Calendar Posters Warnka-Mageny Plants
by MDWg
Warnka-Mageny (Cold Season) Plants Poster
$20.00 each
$70.00 for all 5 posters
PLEASE NOTE posters cannot be posted.

Seasonal Calendar Posters Warnka-Mageny
by MDWg
Warnka-Mageny (Cold Season) Poster
$20.00 each
$70.00 for all 5 posters
PLEASE NOTE posters cannot be posted

Seasonal Calendar Posters Bardenyirriny
by MDWg
Bardenyirriny (Hot Season) Poster
$20.00 each
$70.00 for all 5 posters
PLEASE NOTE posters cannot be posted

Seasonal Calendar Posters Nyinggiyi-Mageny
by MDWg
Nyinggiyi-Mageny (Wet Season) Poster
$20.00 each
$70.00 for all 5 posters
PLEASE NOTE posters cannot be posted

Woorlab Yarrenkoo Miriwoong
by MDWg
A collection of our best word-of-the-week tracks.
Audio CD
24 tracks

Tote bags
by MDWg
READS: Garni woora ngoong
‘How’s it going?’ (Miriwoong greeting)

I <3 Miriwoong Bumper sticker
by MDWg
I <3 Miriwoong Booyi Ngoodebtha Barriwoo (Travel safe!)

Language Nest T-Shirts
by MDWg
Black or White KIDS SIZES ONLY (6-16)
If you would like to purchase any of these Miriwoong resources, visit the language centre and see what we have available! Or, if you can’t come in, please email info@mirima.org.au or call us on (08) 9169 1029.
All money raised from the sale of these books and resources goes into continuing our Miriwoong revitalisation programs.