Seasonal Calendar

The deroorr-mageny is the calling of the thunder as the heat and humidity build-up. This weather indicates the arrival of the wet season.
“Thunder call out only once – sing out to goanna to come out.” (ND)
“Thunder growl and rain come down and call out for the all the birds, all birds come in for water and feed on flower from the paper bark.” (JG)
This is how Miriwoong people describe the weather at this time of year:
Ngoomelng – (clouds) – before it rains the clouds build up.
Deroorr-deroorrb – (be thundering) – the clouds build up to create thunder.
Dooyooyoo – (thunder noise) – You can hear the noise of the thunder in the distance.
Jimilwiring – (lightning) – with the thunder comes lightning.
Mimimbe ginayin – Flashing in one spot off in the distance.
Deroorr womendayin – (thunder is travelling) – Thunder starts to move closer.
Mimimbany girayin – (it’s flashing, it’s coming) – Lightning is getting closer with thunder.
Jawoo–jawooloog – (rain heavily) – This is heavy rain that comes with the thunderstorms and only lasts for a short period of time.
After Deroorr-mageny, Nyinggiyi-mageny (Wet season) starts and the first season is Barrawoondang. Click Barrawoondang to find out more or click Barndenyirriny to go back.
Even though it’s hot and dry, there’s still plenty of food around. The warm weather stirs some plants and animals to come out and these are foods for Miriwoong people. Waterholes are also dotted around the country and these have lots of food!