New MDWg Publications
New MDWg Publications
This year has been a busy one for the team at MDWg. We’ve spent lots of time learning language from our Elders, continued recording on Waringarri Radio and taught Miriwoong to 400 woothoo-woothoong (children) each week.
Another exciting thing that we’re happy to share with you all is the progress we’ve been making on publishing new audio-books. MDWg’s team of Language Workers, Elders and linguists have produced 10 bilingual audio-books in past years. Book topics range from Miriwoong family terms to dream time stories. Our use of an innovative audio-pen, which allows learners to hear sentences spoken to them by tapping the pen to the page is a great way to learn how to say some of the harder Miriwoong words that feature in publications.
New Books
We’re always thinking of news books to develop, and this year is proving to be no exception. Language Workers Glennis and Ingrid are currently working on a book about food. This will include steps for how to make damper and catch and cook a fish, Miriwoong style.

Creating these books has meant that we’ve been able to get out of the office and do the fun activities mentioned in the book. We had a wonderful afternoon down at Ivanhoe Crossing where we took photos for the fish and damper book. The next step is to check with Elders that all the Miriwoong language is correct. Once this is done, we will start to record our authors reading out the sentences in the book. This is an important step for the audio feature of our books.

Julie is also working on a book that will take readers through the Miriwoong alphabet. We think this will be a great way to help Miriwoong learners grow in their knowledge particularly the little ones receiving MDWg’s Language Nest program.
To learn more about MDWg’s existing publications, visit our Miriwoong Resources page. All of our books are for sale. Email admin@mirima.org.au or call us on (08) 9169 1029 if you’re interested in purchasing our resources. We look forward to sharing the new books with you once they’re published!