Seasonal Calendar

Grevillea pteridifolia
- The Fern-leaf grevillea flowers around July
- When the flowers bloom
- When the tree bears its bright orange flowers the Miriwoong people know it is the cold weather season
- It is usually found in the sandy country
- You can put the flowers in water to to make a sweet gil-galing cordial
Garrjang / Gerloowoorrng

Nymphaea sp.
- The Water lily is found in most lagoons and springs and has beautiful flowers
- The flowers can be found all year round, but were traditionally harvested between April and August
- In Miriwoong there are different words for each part of the Water lily:
- Nageng – Water lily bulb.
- Yibooboong – Water lily flower.
- Galyang / gan-ngooning – Water lily root.
- Ngerrawaling / gajajeng – Water lily seed.

Acacia gonoclada
- The Genamboorroong tree is a type of wattle commonly found near creeks in the hill country
- The wood is used by the Miriwoong people to make spears

Cochlospermum fraseri
- The Kapok tree is a small tree that grows along the sides of rocky hills.
- It produces a bright yellow flower around June-August and indicates that it is cold weather time
- The plant was also an important food source for the Miriwoong people

Adansonia gregorii
- The Boab tree is a large tree that grows in most parts of the country
- It produces a large nut that is ready to harvest at the end of the cold season
- People also harvest it to roast when it is still green at the end of the wet.

Calytrix exstipulata
- The Mangadang (Turkey bush) is a small plant that grows on rocky hill country.
- In June-July of the cold season, the shrub produces clusters of purple flowers This is when the wood is strong and can be used for making spearheads

Brachychiton paradoxum
- The Nyinggiwoogeng (Bush peanut) fruits in August.
- This tree can grow to about three meters in height
- Its seeds are a valuable food source for the Miriwoong people during the cold time

Marsdenia australis
- The Ngamoorrwarding (Bush Banana) grows on a vine, growing up and around certain trees in the low land country
- The fruit grows between March and May, and has a sweet flavour to it
- The fruit used to be an important, common food source for the Miriwoong people but is now harder to find

Grevillea pyramidalis
- The Wiling (Caustic bush) grows around three to four meters high and has needle-type leaves
- When the tree flowers, in Jun-Jul, it is an indicator that it is the middle of the cold weather season
These are just some of the many bush foods which grow in the cold time. To find out more, check out the Miriwoong Seasonal Calendar book available at the Mirima Dawang Woorlab-gerring Language and Culture Centre!
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