Seasonal Calendar
Manbilying – There can be rain in July / August which is known as cold weather rain. It is not seen every year.
Miriwoong people use the following words to describe the weather at this time of year:
Thalmoorrjeng – “Ice mix rain” – This is the Miriwoong word for hail storms. These are extremely rare but have been talked about in the ‘old days’.

There is lots of bush tucker that comes out in the Dry time. Fueled by the cooler weather and groundwater, many different bush foods grow and become ‘cookwan’ (ripe). Read about them below!
After Manbilying, Barndenyirriny starts and the first season in Barndenyirriny is Boornbeng, read about these below! Or go back to the Warnka-mageny page.